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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Classroom Spy Professional Edition v3.4.3
Microsoft Office 2010 Blue Edition [Fully Activated Forever
Microsoft Office 2010 Blue Edition Multi4 Update 30052010[Fully Activated Forever] | 790MB
Microsoft intends to release Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview to invited guests who register to sign up for Office 2010 CTP Program only by July 2010. Office 2010 was previously known by codename Office 14 (taken cue from its version), and wrongly assume to be Office 2009. The setup installer of both 32bit (x86) and 64bit (x64) Office 2010 Technical Preview 1 (TP 1) has been leaked to BT network. The leaked Office 2010 Technical Preview 1 has the version of 14.0.4006.1010, a pre-trial version provided to premium Microsoft partners.
It's unclear whether it is the leaked Office 2010 TP1 build will be the version that is going to be released officially by Microsoft in July. And it's still unclear yet whether Microsoft will make available publicly for Office 2010 Beta downloads, which is said to be will be having 2 betas - Beta 1 in July 2009 and another Beta 2 in November 2009. The betas is said to be different from Technical Preview, where TP is just meant as an engineering milestone for the development of Office 2010 and related products that leading to RTM that will reach in July 2010, according to Office 2010 IT Blog. Office 2010 is expected to RTM and released as final product in May 2010, with the exception of Exchange Server 2010, where Exchange Server 2010 beta already available from official download links.
The setup installer of the leaked download will install Microsoft Office Plus 2010 edition, with Access 2010, Excel 2010, InfoPath 2010, OneNote 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Publisher 2010, and Word 2010. Project Professional 2010, SharePoint Designer 2010 and Visio Professional 2010 are also included in the leaked RAR archive download. Office 2010 supports Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
Important note is that Office2010 TP 1 is still in early stage of development, and may contain bugs, although most individual programs such as Word 2010 and Excel 2010 are usable in everyday life. It?s also interesting to know that Office 2007, the predecessor of Office 2010, is version 12. Office 2010 will be version 14, skipping version 13, the number that Microsoft assumes may be not so lucky.
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VariCAD 2010 V2.07
Category: Software | Views: 3 | Author: hantinhthegian | Date: Today, 11:55 | |
Transporter 3 (2008) R5
Enemies Among Us (2010)
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 711x465. |
Wisdom: purity of the soul
Wisdom: purity of the soul
By Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
Shaqiq al-Balkhi (Rahmatullah alaihe) said that one of the knowers of Allah said, "Know that purity of state is only attained by the purity of one's realisation of four matters:
1. Knowing the Lord (Mighty and Exalted),
2. Knowing the lower self (nafs),
3. Knowing death,
4. Knowing that which comes after death of promises and warnings.
This is because the one who knows his Lord (Most High) fulfils His rights. Whoever knows his lower self (nafs) opposes it. Whoever knows death prepares for its coming. Whoever witnesses the promise of Allah (Most High) obeys His commands. And whoever witnesses His warnings avoids His prohibitions.
These matters are governed by three things:
1. Loyalty (wafa'),
2. Propriety (adab),
3. Dignified behaviour (muru'a).
As for loyalty, it is to make one's sole concern Allah's Solitariness (fardaniyya), to remain firm upon beholding His Oneness (wahdaniyya), and to find intimacy in the light of His Firstness (awwaliyya).
As for propriety, it is to guard one's movements and thoughts, to preserve one's moments, and to leave the interdicted.
As for dignified behaviour, it is to remain steadfast upon remembrance (Zikr) with purity, in word, deed, and intent; to protect oneself from prohibited and doubtful matters of the outward and inward; to hold fast to proper manners to be mindful of what is coming; and to make up anything missed, whether minor or major.
Whoever has all these traits will find the sweetness of union; will have avoided the pain of separation; and their heart will be ablaze with the fires of passion." (al-Wasiti, Majma` al-Ahbab Mukhtasar Hilyat al-Awliya', 3.530)
Acquiring knowledge
Acquiring knowledge
By Sumayyah bint Joan
The adage that ignorance is bliss could not be farther from the truth when seriously put into practical application. Throughout the annals of time, what great accomplishments has ignorance made? What great empires and what marvels of science and technology now bear witness to ignorance's strength and power? That's right, none. Nothing of true worth is achieved without wisdom and knowledge.
It was with supreme knowledge that Allah Almighty laid the foundations of the heavens and the earth. It was with wisdom, knowledge and understanding that Hadhrat Sulaiman (Alaihis Salaam) ruled the greatest empire the world has ever known. Our own Prophet, Hadhrat Mohammad (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) told us that acquiring knowledge was a duty placed on each and every Muslim. But the knowledge of what and who, remains the question.
Many of us have used the above saying of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam), to justify dealing in Riba (interest), in order to send our sons and daughters to the finest universities to become doctors, lawyers and engineers. We use it to justify sending our children to private schools, because they supposedly have higher academic standing and prestige than ordinary Muslim schools. We say we are doing it, because the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said to get knowledge, but is this the knowledge he was speaking about?
It is narrated by Hadhrat Abu Musa (Radhi Allaho anho) that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: "The example of guidance and knowledge with which Allah has sent me is like abundant rain falling on the earth, some of which was fertile soil that absorbed rain-water and brought forth vegetation and grass in abundance. (And) another portion of it was hard and held the rain- water and Allah benefited the people with it and they utilised it for drinking, (making their animals drink from it) and to irrigate the land for cultivation. (And) a portion of it was barren, which could neither hold the water nor bring forth vegetation (then the land was of no benefit). The first is the example of the person who comprehends Allah's religion and gets benefit from the knowledge, which Allah has revealed through me and learns and then teaches it to others. The (last example is that of a) person who does not care for it and does not take Allah's Guidance revealed through me (He is like the barren land.)" (Bukhari)
Through the above narration, the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) is telling us of the superiority of religious knowledge. This is the knowledge that we should give priority to. All other knowledge will not be of benefit if we do not have this one. First and foremost, comes the knowledge of Allah. Knowing His names and His attributes. Knowing what is expected of us in regard to our servitude to Him, and what mutual rights exist between us.
Secondly, we should strive to know Allah's Book, the Holy Qur'aan. We should learn to read it in Arabic, if we don't already know how to do so. We should also be trying to memorise as much of it as possible, and stressing the importance of both of these things to our children. Reading the Holy Qur'aan should be something commonplace in every Muslim home, and is an activity that the whole family can, and should participate in.
Thirdly, we should know about Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) and his Companions. It's by reading their stories that we learn of their bravery, love for the religion and their complete devotion to Allah. It's by knowing them that we grow to love them, and through loving them, we strive to become more and more like them. This is especially true, when most children nowadays want to be like Mike (Michael) or Janet Jackson or some other celebrity. They want to emulate these people, because they know so much about them. It then becomes increasingly important for us, Muslims, to introduce our children to our heroes. Who were braver in battle than Hadhrat Umar and Hadhrat Hamza (Radhi Allaho anhuma); who was more wise and gentle than Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhi Allaho anho); and which women were more graceful and honourable than the wives of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) were?
Yes, in these times of increasing technology and information superhighways, it is important to obtain secular knowledge. Also, as a nation, we do need doctors, lawyers and engineers. But we need people who are knowledgeable of their religion first and foremost. What good will it do us to have a nation of professional people who do not know how to make the salah, or to calculate the zakat, or how to perform Hajj? Knowledge is the key to success. It gives us the power to govern ourselves, our households, and ultimately our communities
The story of Maryam
The story of Maryam
By Lobna Elhaw
This is the story of Maryam (Mary) daughter of Imran and mother of Isa (Jesus) [Alaihis salaam]. She was respected by both Muslims and Christians, but there are some aspects on which the two religionists differ. Let us see the facts that the learned writer has compiled about her.
Allah declares He has no son:
In many verses of the Glorious Qur'aan, Allah the Exalted denied the claim of the Christians that He has a son. A delegation from Najran came to Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam). They began to talk about their claim about the Trinity, which is that Allah is three in one, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with some disagreement among their sects. That is why Allah affirmed in many verses of the Holy Qur'aan that Jesus is a slave of Allah, whom He moulded in the womb of his mother like any other of His creatures, and that He created him without a father, as He created Adam without a father or mother. It means Maryam is not the wife of God.
Maryam--member of the chosen family:
Allah the Almighty said, "Allah chose Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham and the family of Imran above the Alamin (mankind and jinns) (of their times). Offspring, one of the other, and Allah is the All-Hearer, All-Knower.
Maryam's birth:
"(Remember) when the wife of Imran said: "0 my Lord! I have vowed to You what (the child that) is in my womb to be dedicated for Your services (free from all worldly work; to serve Your Place of worship), so accept this, from me. Verily, You are the All-Hearer, the All-Knowing.
"Then when she delivered her (child Mary), she said: "0 my Lord! I have delivered a female child," -- and Allah knew better what she delivered, -- "and the male is not like the female, and I have named her Maryam, and I seek refuge with You (Allah) for her and for her offspring from Satan, the outcast." (3:33-36)
Maryam's sustenance:
"So her Lord (Allah) accepted her with goodly acceptance. He made her grow in a good manner and put her under the care of Zakaria. Every time he entered the Mihrab (a praying place or a private room), he found her supplied with sustenance.
"He said, '0 Maryam! From where have you got this?' She said, 'From Allah. Verily, Allah provides sustenance to whom He wills, without limit." (3:37)
Maryam's family history:
Allah declared that He had elected Adam and the elite of his offspring who obey Allah. Then He specified the family of Ibrahim, which includes the sons of Ismail, and the family of Imran, the father of Maryam. Muhammad Ibn Ishaaq stated that he was Imran Ibn Bashim, Ibn Amun, Ibn Misha, Thn Hosqia, Ibn Ahriq, Ibn Mutham, Ibn Azazia, Ibn Amisa, Thn Yamish, Ibn Ahrihu, Ibn Yazem, Thn Yahfashat, Thn Eisha, Thn Iyam, Thn Rahbaam, Ibn David (Dawood).
A mother's longing:
Prophet Zakaria's sister-in-law had a daughter named Hannah. She was married to Imran, a leader of the Israelites. For many years the couple remained childless. Whenever Hannah saw another woman with a child, her longing for a baby increased. Although years had passed, she never lost hope. She believed that one day Allah would bless her with a child, on whom she would shower all her motherly love. She turned to the Lord of the heavens and the earth and pleaded with Him for a child. She would offer the child in the service of Allah's house, in the temple of Jerusalem. Allah granted her request. When she learned she was pregnant, she was the happiest woman alive, and thanked Allah for His gift. Her overjoyed husband Imran also thanked Allah for His mercy.
However, while she was pregnant, her husband passed away. Hannah wept bitterly. Alas, Imran did not live to see their child for whom they had so longed. She gave birth to a girl, and again turned to Allah in prayer: "0 my Lord, I have delivered a female child, ... and the male is not like the female, and I have named her Maryam, and I seek refuge with You (Allah) for her and her offspring from Satan, the outcast. (3:36)
Zakaria as Maryam's guardian:
Hannah had a big problem in reference to her promise to Allah, for females were not accepted into the temple, and she was very worried. Her brother-in-law, Zakaria, comforted her, saying that Allah knew best what she had delivered and appreciated fully what she had offered in His service. She wrapped the baby in a shawl and handed it over to the temple elders. As the baby was a girl, the question of her guardianship posed a problem for the elders. This was a child of their late and beloved leader, and everyone was eager to take care of her. Zakaria said to the elders: "I am the husband of her maternal aunt and her nearest relation in the temple, therefore, I will be more mindful of her than all of you."
As it was their custom to draw lots to solve disagreements, they followed this course. Each one was given a reed to throw into the river. They agreed that whoever's reed remained afloat would be granted guardianship of the girl. All the reeds sank to the bottom except that of Zakaria. With this sign, they all surrendered to the will of Allah and made him the guardian of Maryam.
Maryam's high status:
To ensure that no one had access to Maryam, Zakaria built a separate room for her in the temple. As she grew up, she spent her time in devotion to Allah. Zakaria visited her daily to see to her needs, and so it continued for many years. One day, he was surprised to find fresh fruits, which was out of season, in her room. As he was the only person who could enter her room, he asked her how the fruit got there. She replied that these provisions were from Allah, as He gives to whom He wills. Zakaria understood by this that Allah had raised Maryam's status above that of other women. Thereafter, Zakaria spent more time with her, teaching and guiding her. Maryam grew to be a devotee of Allah, glorifying Him day and night.
Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib (Radhi Allaho anho) narrated that Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: "The best of the women in the world is Maryam (in her lifetime), and the best of the women in the world is Khadijah (in her lifetime)." Abu Musa Ashari (Radhi Allaho anho) also narrated that Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: "Many among men attained perfection, but among women none attained perfection except Maryam the daughter of Imran, and Asiya the wife of Pharaoh; and the superiority of Aisha to other women is like the superiority of Tharid (an Arabic dish) to other meals."
Abusing Islam and its teachings
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Howzat-Lagging,Hanging Tip, Tricks,Cheats
Are you an addicted howzat player ???
Do you face lagging and hanging problem ??
Are you worried about it ??
Dont worry I have got the treatment of lagging, hanging, slower the pace of the cricket game.
Here are some tips, tricks and a sort of cheats to avoid lag
Yahoo Webcam Hack
Confucius (2010) DVDRip
In the age of warring Chinese states, during which countless wars were waged to unify kingdoms, the King of Lu gets help from highly influential philosopher Confucius to regain his power. Confucius uses his intelligence and charisma to save the state of Lu from inner conflict and perpetual war. However, the political powerhouses of the state start to feel threatened by the philosopher, fearing that they may lose their control over the puppet king. Confucius goes willingly into exile, wandering from state to state without losing his ideals for peace and harmony.
Among.Dead.Men.2008.DVDRip Title: Among Dead Men Production: Australia Genre: Action, Crime Duration: 94 minutes Premiere: 19.01.2010 - The World (DVD) Directed by: James Richards Written by: Avelino 'El Rico' Lescot, James Richards Starring: Avelino 'El Rico' Lescot, Ab Vegvary, Ron Vreeken, Nick Pendragon Name: Among.Dead.Men.2008.DVDRip.XviD-FiCO Release Date: 18/01/2010 Number of CDs: 1 Parameters: Video - 640x352 XviD ~ 902 kbps, Audio - MP3 ~ 117 kbps Description: Bobby Delgado MMA is a multiple champion, who during one of the fights inadvertently kills his opponent. After this incident, a man goes for eight long years in prison. After leaving the prison walls, Delgado became the object of interest to the local mafia, and managers who want his return to